Left: Ocean Beach, New London CT July 17 1922. Margaret in back on the right, Marie next to her. Right: Sunday School Picnic, New Haven CT, July 27, 1922.

New Haven CT, July 27, 1922. I don't think that is Grandpa Andrew in the middle. On the left is Marie's friend Anna. The picture on the right is captioned "Marie".

Left and center: Uncle Carl, August 1923. Looks like he had been playing baseball. Sorry this is out of order chronologically. It is how she mounted the album. Right: Marie, October 1, 1922, Stratford CT

Stratford CT October 1, 1922. In the left picture that is great-grandpa Niels on the right. In the right picture, that's Margaret, Albertine and Marie.

January 1923. Left: "Andrew". Right: "Marie". They were married in August of 1924 and the first picture of him is May of 1922. Marie's expression in the picture on the right really reminds me of Aunt Martha, her third daughter.

August 1923. Left: Niels and Carl. I guess that wasn't a baseball uniform, it was work togs. That must be the garage behind their house. I think this picture of Niels bears quite a resemblance to my brother Bud. Center: August 12 1923. Marie and Andrew, clearly. Right: August 11, 1923. That's Andrew. Looks like several admiring women in the background...