Left: October 22, 1927: 1 Month, 14 days old. Right: a week later, October 29, 1927

Left: 10/28 "Proud Papa." Center: 12/16/28 with the Danish dolls Albertine brought the previous summer. Right: 1/29. "Ride 'em Cowboys."

Left: Jan 1929 "This is a bit tamer." Center: April 1929, Lorraine, Dorothy, me (Jane), Uncle Carl." I don't know who Lorraine was but I figured out that her last name was Ford. Right: July 1929 "All Dressed up."

"Jane and Jackie, Cousins". I don't know who Jackie was nor how related. Jane photo is 8/20/29, Jackie is 8/23/29.

Left: 9/15/29 "Ha, ha, ha!!". Center: also 9/15/29. "Watch the Birdie." Right: 9/23/29. "You're Losing Something!" (Presumably the bloomers)

Left: 10/29. There is some date confusion on the other two but I'm pretty sure it's Jan 6 1930. Same day despite the difference in apparel.