This has the label "Summer 1917 On the farm." Mom says they lived in town so we don't know whose farm. There are a lot of references to West Haven. She had a cat, probably the one she is holding.

July 17, 1917, "In my graduation clothes". This is the end of 9th grade, and the end of her schooling.

Just for a feel of farming in the early 1900's! July 17, 1917, "A fine job for a hot day."

July 9, 1917, "Up in the top of the Cherry tree."

There is a two year gap here. This is a 4th of July picnic. I really like the period feel. The caption is difficult, but I think it is Keney Park, which is in Windsor. At any rate it is July 4, 1919. So not all of the young men were overseas at war. From here the photos fall back to March of 1919, and after that even some 1918s. This is the order in which they were mounted, however.

March 1919. "My Brother" "Swell Guy." Can't say whether it is Carl, about age 18, or Henry, about 20. They tell me Henry was in the war, so maybe Carl is more likely. He doesn't look like a teenager, though, does he?

"A farmyard view" March 1919. I am fascinated by what a farmyard looked like in 1919!. The dog (pointed away from the camera) is named Trail.